CMM Usate ZEISS Originals
- Macchina
- Area di misura X
- 300
- Area di misura Y
- 200
- Area di misura Z
- 200
- Software
- Software
Le CMM e gli strumenti di misura usati, se controllati e ricondizionati secondo i rigorosi criteri della linea ZEISS Originals, possono offrire prestazioni eccellenti pari a unità di nuova produzione, consentendo di ridurre sensibilmente il budget di spesa. Se siete interessati... non esitate a contattarci! NOTA: il prezzo indicato non comprende costi di trasporto, installazione e formazione.
Nota sul prodotto
construction year: 2017 refurbished: 2023
ZEISS O-INSPECT 322 CFS Multisensor-Coordinate-Measuring-Machine Measuring range: X = 300 mm, Y = 200 mm, Z = 200 mm Linear measuring tolerance per ISO 10360-2:2009 for VAST XXT: MPE_EO X/Y/Z (1D) = (1.6 + L/200)µm MPE_EO XY (2D) = (1.9 + L/150)µm MPE_EO(3D) = (2.4 + L/150)µm, Single stylus form error acc. ISO 10360-5:2010 MPE_PFTU = 2.4µm Scanning form error per ISO 10360-4:2000 with VAST XXT: MPE_THP = 2.7 µm MPT tau in 55 s Linear measuring tolerance per ISO 10360-7:2011 for Discovery zoom lens: MPE_EU X/Y (1D) (OT) = (1.6 + L/200)µm MPE_EU XY (2D) (OT) = (1.9 + L/150)µm Admissible temperature range for specifications 18-22°C Machine features, equipment:
- Microscopy body with movable cross table
- Table height approx. 300 mm
- Path measuring system with 0.2µm resolution
- Integrated vibration damping
- Integrated PC-based scanning control (ISC), for Discovery Zoom Sensor optical camera system
- CMOS camera integrated in measuring machine
- Discovery zoom lens, 12x
- 8-sector ring light, with LEDs in dual color (red/blue)
- Mini-ring light (red/blue)
- Coaxial incident-light system (red/blue) for zoom lens
- Integrated transmitted-light system
- Chromatic white light sensor preparation Including sensor carrier, cables
- Software license for Calypso basic package + Calypso curve
- Calibration sphere, 25 mm diameter
- Calibration ring, 16 mm diameter
- Reference template for Discovery Zoom Sensor
- Acceptance documents, user manuals incl. teleservice capability during the warranty period